Invitation for Meditation & Energetic Healing

Hello Light-Filled Souls,

During these unprecedented and challenging times. I have needed to take a moment to go internal while paying close attention to what is happening locally in my direct community and globally. I continue to commit more than ever to my inner energetic healing and growth, and the outer energy healing of humanity, Gaia, and all.

Above artwork by Autumn Skye Morrison

We are aware of the violence we have lived within, awake to it. It is now important to choose deep transformation of this pattern and cycle by connecting to energies that can heal these denser energies that perpetuate the cycle of violence, shame, guilt, grief, doubt, unworthiness, fear—keeping the victim and perpetrator roles continuing. These are energies that heal and transform, and support our growth to shift humanity into our full potential and health.

It does not mean we do not look at the denser energies that perpetuate violence, racism, murder, it means we see it. We see not only the tip of the iceberg, but the whole of that iceberg, and and we do not let our guilt, shame, grief, or fear stop us from doing the inner work to clear and heal these patterns and the outer work to support all sentient beings moving from survival into thriving within their true essential nature. I have chosen to be off social media for the past month with limited presence on instagram, in order to be more connected and present to this deep transformation within myself and upon Gaia for all, holding daily healing meditations on zoom (-if interested in this daily offering, please reply directly to me for more information).

Above artwork by Autumn Skye Morrison

The Community of Higher Consciousness is once again guided to invite all to join in your own meditative practice using this lunar energy as a catalyst for ushering in the next wave of love and light to planet earth, Gaia, and all of humanity.

The full moon is at 2:13pm CST and the lunar eclipse is at 2:25 pm CST on Friday, June 5th.

By consciously taking time to connect with one another and optimally receive the full moon lunar eclipse energies at a time that is more convenient for many people we have decided to invite those this evening, June 5th, to join hearts from 8 to 9pm CST to meditate in your own space to generate a clearing and transmuting of all the fragmented and negative energies that are reinforcing the illusion of separation and polarity on this planet.

Within the Community for Higher Consciousness we have created the following intentions for meditation tonight, and please feel free to add in your own:

  • We ask that this clearing assists more people to access their higher aspects of being.

  • We ask to clear collective guilt, shame and doubt connected to racism, war, violence, censorship, and anything in the energy field of the collective that is keeping these patterns repeating.

  • We also ask to bring in forgiveness of self and others throughout all time and space for anyway we have harmed ourselves and each other while participating in this illusion of separation.

  • We ask that through this loving forgiveness we also ask to clear and transmute all emotions that interfere with entering a state of consciousness that recognizes the interconnectedness of all things and values collaborative cooperation to shift into the new paradigm of unity consciousness.

  • We ask to energetically heal the divine masculine and to bring in optimal balance and integration of divine Feminine and divine Masculine Energies for optimal health, well being and optimal transformation.

If inspired, join your hearts with ours tonight June 5th, from 8 to 9pm, if you are guided to do so. If you are not available at those time but would like to join in, please take a few moments when it is convenient for you to tune in with the intention to connect with the group meditation and know that your heartlight will travel through the illusion of time and further illuminate this group activity.

Together we are opening the gateway to a fuller radiation of light and love, and your heartlight is greatly appreciated.  This is a collective effort by many that I have been working with— in particular Catherine Siri Sat Liska, Maureen Higgins & Nancy Randen. Feel free to share this invite to connect and meditate tonight with others in your circles during this transformative time for all. And know I remain a support and a resource to you and our community at large.

With deep Love, Remember you are light,

Elizabeth Sullivan

Elizabeth Sullivan is an expert instructor, certified yoga therapist, and practitioner in Yoga, Energy Work and Ayurveda. She supports the body to optimally function using neuromuscular reeducation and working with energy patterns. By integrating and aligning body, mind and spirit energy, she creates relaxation, increased energy flow, optimized sleep and a clear mind for her clients. Her work helps people hold higher consciousness to live their optimal lives. Elizabeth offers private lessons, group classes and workshops, and online programs for health practitioners, and also writes for health publications. She holds advanced degrees in Dev. Psychology, Education and Writing, along with certifications in each instructional area. To learn more, visit

Elizabeth SullivanElizabeth Sullivan, MFA, MA, BA, Certified Yoga Therapy, Energy Medicine

Founding member, Community for Higher Consciousness
See Elizabeth’s bio and class schedule.
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