Releasing the Sabotaging Beliefs of Unworthiness
Nearly everyone feels confident at some times or in some areas of their life, while “not good enough” at other times. As the consciousness level of the planet rises, everyone’s “less than” programs are beginning to get triggered and surface because they don’t resonate to the high vibration frequency that is inherent to your true self. Freedom is an aspect of your true self, and freedom calls anything to the surface that is not free. If you follow the thread of almost any of our inner issues, complexes or fears to their root, they all boil down to some type of belief of unworthiness or “not good enough”. Most people are not even aware of these programs, yet they are built into the human experience.
When we incarnate on earth, we voluntarily cut ourselves off from our conscious connection to Source, to who and what we are as eternal light beings, and therefore become unconscious of our inherent value, power, sense of security and well being. In our early years, we are solely reliant on our caregivers for not only a feeling of safety and security, but also a sense of being loved, valued, cherished and “good enough”. But if our caregivers are living with a lot of their own unconscious unworthy programs, and thus dealing with issues from their own baggage, or else they are too busy to be fully present with us, we can feel neglected and rejected, and thus the seeds of unworthiness can sprout. Growing up in an environment in which we don’t feel safe or cherished can reinforce these feelings of “not good enough”. If you don’t get early emotional needs met, shame can develop. It’s as though an unconscious message becomes imprinted: “If I don’t feel secure or valued, I must not be worthy of it, something is wrong with me.” And shame really feels like it has something to do with you, like it’s part of you, like it defines you. It really feels true, but it isn’t.
Similarly, it seems true that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but it’s not. From a higher perspective, we see that the earth revolves around the sun and rotates, creating the appearance of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. When it comes to beliefs of unworthiness and shame, we have to apply the wisdom of Albert Einstein: “you can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created the problem”, so we go to a higher level of consciousness. How? First, know that you can. Why can you? Because of the vast growing pile of evidence that suggests you are an eternal, indestructible soul being using this body for a human experience.
Science has not yet developed the tools to measure our soul or higher dimensions of course, so for evidence we go to the growing multitude of individual cases of near death experiences, out of body experiences, evidence-based mediums, accurate recall of past lives through past life regression, or the increasing number of children who remember verifiable past lives. Evidence of reincarnation means that we are eternal beings, outside of time and space. This insight is a life-changing paradigm shift for some, and an invaluable one. If you are this indestructible being, you should be able to tune into this higher part of you, since we’re multi-dimensional. One way we can do this is by quieting the thinking mind and going within through deep meditation.
When I guide clients within to their higher self, they experience a part of themselves that has a built-in sense of security, well-being, wisdom and clarity. From this vantage point, it becomes very clear that shame has as much to do with you as an old shirt that your mother gave you when you were five. You are not born with shame, it fully comes from outside of you, from the subtle messages that you were given from caregivers and the challenging outside circumstances in your life. You are not those messages. You are far more than your programming and conditioning.
From this higher perspective we can more easily wash away the sticky identity of shame and begin instead to identify more with the truth of who and what we really are – the part of you than lives on, that you can never really escape from. The modern teacher of awakening consciousness, Adyashanti, says: “Enlightenment is really a radical shift in identity.” Although it should be pointed out that he took it a step further… since all souls come from the same one energy source, one’s highest identity is Oneness, which, as any sage will say, is really only realized in the fully awakened state in which you know in your heart and whole being that you are the Christ consciousness, or Oneness consciousness, even more than you know that you are your body.
However, for most of humanity, a valuable identity shift that we can make as individuals and as a society is to first see through any false, shame-based mind programs and freely live from our “more relatively true” authentic selves. To do this, it is helpful to use body-centered healing methods, such as Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT), Emotional Freedom Technique, EMDR, or a body based hypnotherapy session that I offer called the Emotional Healing session. These methods are effective at releasing past, outdated thoughts, feelings, beliefs and fears that science has now discovered is stored in the body.
When we heal ourselves and begin to live more from our true, authentic, whole and complete nature, many subtle fears and false beliefs fall away: the fear of being judged, the need to be perfect, the guard around our heart that prevents us from fully loving and hurting, the fear of death, the false belief of “not good enough”, the fear of being unlovable, the fear of being wildly successful… and all the other mind programs that you are here as a soul to see through and no longer be unconsciously governed by. This is the most important work you can do… and when you do it, you’ll no longer be triggered by old emotional baggage so it’s easier to connect with loved ones and co-workers.
In short, we become a freer being, no longer governed by our unconscious false beliefs, or feeling a need to numb our misperceived shortcomings with processed food, chemicals or overworking. You become aware of the Truth that you are and always have been a magnificent, eternal free being that is based in love and joy! True healing is an identity shift and perception shift away. This perception shift is not easily done by the thinking mind, but can be done when you connect to your Higher Self by going within. From here, you know at the core of your being that the negative mind programs swimming in your head are not inherent to you, but totally come from people and circumstances outside of you, and thus the grip of these fears and false beliefs loosen so that you more easily experience and live from your true, whole, complete, loving, free Self! As the modern sage, Leonard Jacobson says, “We are all on the holy journey of becoming that which we already are.”
Eric Christopher
Eric Christopher is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist who helps people connect to their Higher Self to heal limiting beliefs and traumas from the body and subconscious mind using present and past life regression. Find out more about Eric and his services at
Available for Download:
Recorded by Eric Christopher
Once you purchase this product, you will receive an email with the link to listen to this guided journey as many times as you like. Click here to purchase
Past life regression offers a deep journey inside to a wise aspect of yourself that most people aren’t aware that they possess. The result of this inner journey is always beneficial. People obtain clarity, insight and often healing on the issues that are the most important for them.
At times, you may not even know what your most important issues are, however, your subconscious and unconscious mind always does, so people tend to get exactly what will benefit them most mentally and emotionally, even if they simply want to do a session out of curiosity.
This guided journey is a good opportunity to get a taste of past life regression and experience this modality for yourself.
Recorded by Eric Christopher
Once you purchase this product, you will receive an email with the link to listen to this guided journey as many times as you like. Click here to purchase
This guided journey within is a systematic process to deeply connect with a part of yourself that you cannot separate from, yet typically gets lost in this human experience. We are multi-dimensional beings, and reuniting with this higher dimensional part of yourself will create insights, clarity and potential healing on deep levels. It is also a great way to experience a deep hypnotic state, and is a good steppingstone for doing other deep inner journey work.
Eric Christopher, MS, CHT, Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist
Member, Community for Higher Consciousness See Eric’s bio and class schedule.
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Eric, this is a powerful message that resonate on so many levels. Thank you for this blog.