with Terri Peterson SBF, RBF, RPh
When: Sunday January 2, 2022
Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm CST. Newbies start at 10:30 am.
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: $125 or $99 early bird pricing (by Dec 30th)
Register:Send an email that you want to participate. Then pay electronically (via Venmo @theconnectingspirit or PayPal Gift a Friend to [email protected]), on my website theconnectingspirit.com, or mail a check. Contact Terri if you need/want a payment plan and/or partial scholarship. I will work with you when possible.
Online: Go to Soul Breathing Offerings page and scroll down and click on the drop down box to find Soul Breathing Virtual Workshop (small extra fee for credit cards).
By Mail: Make check payable to: The Connecting Spirit Corp (or CSC) and mail to Terri Peterson 2205 Scudder Street, St. Paul, MN 55108. Please list date of class you want to attend in the memo line.
• Multiple Soul Breathing Activities • Raise your Vibration • Ignite your Passion • Feel more Empowered • Expand your Soul’s Growth • Uplift Humanity • Co-create the New Earth
SOUL BREATHING™ is a powerful process that consistently generates profound physical, emotional and mental self-healing & deepens your connection with Spirit.
Breath is one of the few systems in the body that works on both conscious and unconscious levels. As we become consciously aware of our breath and use our diaphragm correctly, it changes old, ineffective patterns of breathing and becomes a tool that can help reduce stress, heighten self-awareness and heal emotional wounds.
The Soul Breathing™ technique is supported by body mapping, affirmations, tuning forks, and additional sound therapy techniques for body-mind-soul integration.
As you begin to master your breath, you will begin to permanently hold a higher level of vibration. And vibrating from this new place will allow you to let go of old emotional and mental patterns and gain a new perspective. It will help you attract more of what you want in your life, creating more balance, abundance, peace and joy in your everyday living.