with Terri Peterson SBF, RBF, RPh
Terri will support you through a program that will 'RENEW YOU' and allow you to detox, reset and feel VIBRANT… both inside and out! The protocol is specifically geared to get your body into a more alkaline environment, support the body to rebuild the bone and connective tissue system, rebuild the stomach lining and remove the mucoid plaque, glyphosate and heavy-metal toxicity caused from pharmaceuticals and non-organic foods.
Through this cleansing and rebuilding, you are able to strengthen the intestinal tract and gut biome which stops toxins from leaking into your immune system that can trigger inflammation, mental disorders, skin rashes, abdominal pain and even symptoms of Crohn’s, IBS and autoimmune disorders.
Join Terri's FREE weekly Zoom calls beginning Wednesday, March, 8 at 6:45pm CST that will help support you on this cleanse. She'll get you started if you are ready to dive right in, or you can ask your questions & find out more.
Here's the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89707601965?pwd=alBKdXI3eUxVMkhTVG1XSjEwOW9Rdz09
QUESTIONS: Contact Terri at 651-442-4623 or [email protected]
The Purium ULT superfood program is simple and will allow you to take in high vibe nutrition without restricting calories. There are only 5 products in the program, mostly superfoods & herbs, so the regimen is super easy to stick with & implement into your daily routine. Plus their superfood PowerShake tastes great. More info about superfoods used