with Lisa Katheyrine Howard BS
When: Nov 4, 18, Dec 2, 16, 2021. Jan 6, 20, Feb 3, 17, March 3, 17, April 7, 21, May 5, 19, June 2, 16, 2022
Where: Online via Zoom
Price: $65 per class
Register: www.greywindraven.com/schedule
Now is the time to build a closer relationship with your High Self by increasing your knowledge regarding ascension and increasing your psychic/intuitive abilities. This closer relationship will not only help you on your overall ascension journey, but in your day-to-day life and create a better understanding of global events happening around you.
Each 2.5 hour Zoom workshop will cover a spiritual growth topic for review and discussion, followed by psychic development exercises with the group. More information is on my website on the Blog and Schedule pages. The Agenda and Overview blog contains an overview of the class layout and also what you need to bring to the workshop. The Blog page also contains the spiritual growth topic for each class. The topic for the 11/4 Workshop is currently posted.
Workshops will be held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, starting in Nov. Each workshop is independent of the others, so you can start at any time and only take the workshops that work with your schedule. Each class is designed to work for participants of all skill levels from beginners to the advanced. There is extra time after each class for beginners with additional questions.