Kelly Wagner, BIS
You’ve Got Kelly
Intuitive Counseling, Marketing and Business Coaching

Kelly Wagner is a remarkable knower and seer who has honed her unique toolset to provide profound transformative guidance. Her journey takes her beyond the surface, delving into the depths of her clients’ inner worlds to unravel the profound question of “why?” and uncover the essential truths that shape their lives.
With an extraordinary ability to traverse the realms of the past and present, Kelly offers energetic healing for a myriad of aspects, including ancestral connections, relationship dynamics, business and marketing strategies, and personal growth. Her expertise spans a diverse range of fields, including musings, ideation, marketing and business strategy coaching, spirit connection, mediumship, counseling, and home/business energy clearings.
Musings, ideation and inspiration
Marketing and business strategy coaching
Connecting with spirits
- Mediumship
Counseling (relationships with self, family and partners)
Home/business clearings of negative energy and entities
Academic Education
- Bachelor of Individualized Studies, Mass and Electronic Media, Mass and Popular Culture, ASL (American Sign Language) and Deaf Culture, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Over 150 CEU’s in Healthcare Supply Chain (2010-2016)
- Marketo University Core Concepts training (2019)
Training & Certification
- Disconnection from the Collective Shadow® and Cellular Activation® protocol
- 222 Oneness Protocol and 9999 New Earth Healing Systems protocol
- Ancestral and Other Lifetimes practitioner
- Star of David home and business gridding
- Reki (Level One)
- Medicine Buddha Empowerment and Activation (Bill Torvund Sanctuary of the Om 2017)
- The Triple Helix Field Unifier (2017)
- The Phoenix Pattern Dissolver (2017)
- Magnetic Heart (2017)
- Authorized 13D Master Practitioner (School of Esoteric Sciences NPMDT 2019)