Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN is the clinic director and owner of Beyond Chiropractic a comprehensive wellness clinic in Oakdale Minnesota. Dr. Erika specializes in Applied Kinesiology, Functional Medicine, Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT) and Transformational Energy Work as taught by Maureen Higgins.
Dr. Erika’s mission is to shepherd the transformational process of her patients and help heal the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so that patients can raise their vibration and come into higher consciousness. By meeting the patient at their level of transformation Dr. Erika gives each patient the tools they need to be empowered with their physical, emotional and spiritual journey.
Dr. Erika looks at a bioenergetic picture of your health. What we know is that Illness is a healing event, meaning that the body is inherently well but due to multiple stressors the body is recovering from loss of balance. If we rebalance the body and eliminate stress we can regain optimal health.