Elizabeth Sullivan, MFA, MA, BA
Certified Yoga Therapy, Energy Medicine

I train, teach, and support practitioners and people in their innate ability to self-heal. This brings in their soul’s gifts and mastery on their journey of self-realization and sovereignty. As a Yoga Therapist who is SomaYoga Therapy Trained, I combine somatics —neuromuscular re-education, which allows people to regain function, form and pain free mobility. Using the living wisdom of Ayurveda for daily routines in this life and over lifetimes, people become more skillful with their energy. We refine the subtle energy bodies that the physical body orientates around through breath practices, pranayama, and with the support of energy medicine of SourcePoint Therapy.
By working in the energetic fields the system remembers its innate brilliance, health, and potential. This strengthens our connection to the blueprint of human health and grounds the information into our physical, mental, emotional bodies. By accessing your multidimensional nature through energy work and healing ancestry (past patterns that influence the present day), and other lifetimes while lifting the heavier energies of the collective, people gain lighter energy and happiness to manifest their purpose.