Welcome to Our Community
Our community members have united with the shared belief that everybody and everything is interconnected, so we all effect each other in both positive and negative ways. The more of us that know this, and treat each other as we’d want to be treated, the faster we move humanity, the planet and all living consciousness into greater health, love and peace.
Many call this the ascension process. The Community for Higher Consciousness classes and workshops, member’s services and products reflect the desire to help humanity, and all living consciousness, embrace the knowing we are all part of a Oneness field. We hope you become a part of our community and find comfort, as we have, in knowing we can make a difference together!
Our purpose is to support people to be their best selves through moving into higher consciousness.
What is Higher Consciousness? Ascension, and higher consciousness, is all about raising our happiness and love set-point. This allows us to attain unity consciousness. We have entered an important era in history where we’re all being called on to participate.
How do we raise our set-point to accomplish this? Read more about higher consciousness
Watch Joan Steffend interview our Members
CHC members recently had the opportunity to speak with Joan Steffend about their experiences and talents. Find out more about inspirational speaker, author and non-profit co-founder Joan Steffend at joansteffend.com.